Client Tools required to pre-install to access or create a new Open Shift application

I have faced hell lot of issues when I started implementing the Openshift sample application. I thought of sharing my experience with everybody so that it will help if there is any issue during others project implementation. Most important thing in accessing the application is to install the client tools in your machine.

In this post I would like to explain about the Client tools required, install the tools in to windows machine and check the installation status of the tools.

Install Client Tools:

For Windows based desktop it is required to install the three client tools as mentioned below:

1) Ruby: All open shift tools runs on the Ruby, this is the basic software that is required to install. Download suitable Ruby installer for your desktop from Ruby Down loads page and install the by accepting all default options. After the installation is completed, to verify that the installation is working run:


2) Git Client: Git is used to synchronize local application source and your OpenShift application. Download and install the latest version of Git for Windows. After installing the git, it is required to ensure that git is added into your system PATH. If it is not added, make sure to add it manually in system environment variables.

After installing the git, you can check the git version installed in machine using below command.


3) Openshift client: After Ruby and git installed properly, run the openshift client tools bundled in the ruby installer.


After installation completes, run the rhc command as below, then complete list of options to be displayed.



Other Useful Links:

Openshift – The Open Hybrid Cloud Application Platform by Red Hat